Thursday, October 31, 2019

Paper on business proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Paper on business proposal - Essay Example Most of the organizations utilize financial, informational, material and human resource to run their business. In most of the cases it has been seen that were there is disorientation and mismanagement of human resource, problem occurs and other resources are also not properly utilized. In this study the focus would be on the difficult problems that business organizations encounter on daily basis. It has been noticed that these problems are usually those whose solutions are not so easily identifiable or they involve some form of controversy. Keeping in mind such issues, the study would begin with the discussion of the organization and its various day to day functions, the resources required for such functions, and the role of human resource in such situations. In order to describe the organization problems and discuss other significant aspects related to the functions and operations, a very famous Chinese home appliance company, Haier has been chosen. Though Haier has a stable positio n in the market and it is a very well-known brand, yet big organizations are bound to face difficult situations every day, which we are going to focus in this study (Haier lnc, 2012). Business Organizational Problems Companies and organizations around the world are continuously striving to examine and improve their ways of conducting business, so as to introduce multi-business model that would derive a good profit in the long run. The strategy implementation process is still the same in most of the organizations. It includes methods related to the implementation of organizational design, combining the organizational structure, control and strengthening the culture of the organization for smooth functioning of the multibusiness model concept in the organization for increasing the profitability. In order to assess the problem areas, it is very important to understand the organizational structure and the components that comprised of the framework of the organization, the shape of the o rganization, such as tall or short. This helps a lot in determining the problem areas in organization. Next we come to integration of different approaches, different structures, business or regulations within the organization. This is also important because it assists in determining when did the problem occur or might occur in near future. Then in case of re-engineering the organizational structure of functions we can notice that unidentified issues come up which even the management could not handle in the right manner (Ziegenfuss, 2001, p. 7-8). It has been noticed that organizational structure or financial issues are not always the root cause of the problems in the organization. Organizational culture is very important and it has been observed that every organization has its own unique set of culture, which differs from the other. Now based on the discussed reasons behind the organizational problems, we are going to understand the organizational problems of Haier, a famous Chinese home appliance. The first problem in Haier is regarding managing the human capital of the organization. In Haier even the exceptionally skilled employees are not rewarded adequately or motivated for his or her good work. Though the management considers it to be a part of their company policy, but it is proving itself as a bad employer among the human resource. Moreover, the approach of the company is to focus on individual efforts and performance, so there is no

Monday, October 28, 2019

The General Strike Of 1926 Essay Example for Free

The General Strike Of 1926 Essay K. O. Morgan (Wales 1880 -1980) argues that it is clear that the War marked an immediate break with the past, in social and ultimately in political terms. In no part of the British Isles was the contrast between pre- and post-war conditions more pronounced than in Wales. The governments of the 1920s had similar aims and policies with regards to unemployment. They believed that they could best help by trying to restore pre-1914 conditions. That meant reviving the freemarket economy at home, while seeking to restore the international financial and trading system abroad. As far as the government was concerned private enterprise was the main agent of economic recovery and after November 1918, state controls over the economy were rapidly demolished. The government also saw high wages as a hindrance to economic recovery as high wages resulted in higher prices and a consequent loss of foreign trade. Despite a number of strikes over wage levels, by 1923 wage rates were on average down to nearly two-thirds of their 1920 level. A further government initiative to reduce high prices and encourage trade to recover was to reduce government expenditure. Lloyd George followed such a policy as did successive governments. As a result government expenditure was cut by about a quarter in real terms, some of the national debt was paid off and taxes were reduced a little. Whilst cuts in taxation were a help to an economy in depression, unfortunately they also tended to reduce the level of domestic demand for industrial goods. Government policy therefore was probably making unemployment worse. From 1923 to the latter years of the 1930s parts of Wales and England suffered from a prolonged economic depression and this was especially true of the coalfield areas. They experienced mass unemployment – more than 2 million people were unemployed throughout this period and poverty without equal in Britain, a depression, hopelessness and despair that crushed their society and left deep scars on the consciousness of the people who lived through the depths of the Depression. In 1918 there was not a traditional election. David Lloyd George decided to fight the election as a coalition government. Lloyd George had formed the coalition government in 1916 to fight the war. The supporters of the coalition tended to be the Conservative party members and Lloyd George Liberals. David Lloyd George was popular and the coalition government won 478 seats in the House of Commons. There were huge problems for Lloyd George to deal with following the war. He had promised a ‘land fit for heroes’ and that was going to be a difficult trick to perform. Initially he had to deal with the large numbers of soldiers who were released from service. There were brief strikes but many found work in the short post war boom. In 1918, there was a sudden period of inflation. Prices and profits increased but wages lagged behind. Trade Unions became increasingly powerful and were determined to protect workers from the wage stagnation. In 1919 and 1920 there were 2000 strikes throughout Britain. The strikes were not just about wages however. The workers were bitter about their lives in the trenches and still after all their efforts the capitalists were still making vast profits- mainly from war production. The Russian Revolution had publicised government control and nationalisation, leaving the British government panicking that the strikes could turn into something far more serious. One of the most serious strikes took place in Glasgow. The Clydesdale engineers and shipbuilders demanded a 40 hour week and hoisted a red flag in George Sq, Glasgow. On the back of this the miners threatened a strike if they did not have a six hour day, thirty percent pay increase and nationalization of the mines. Lloyd George compromised and gave the miners a seven hour day, continued government control for the foreseeable future and initiated a Royal Commission. The Sankey Commission investigated the problems in the coal industry. By the end of 1921 approximately two million people were unemployed. The slump was a result of a lack of investment in some industries and a lack of demand in more traditional industries such as shipbuilding and coal etc. In 1920 Lloyd George passed the Unemployment Insurance Act. This built on the 1911 Act and covered all workers earning less than two hundred and fifty pounds excluding agricultural labourers, domestic servants and self employed people. The contributions increased but so did the allowances. Allowances increased from five shillings to seven shillings a week. Unfortunately, as unemployment increased the system could not cope as outgoings far exceeded incomings. The government could not abandon the system only one year after implementation so they extended benefit for a slightly longer period and many believe this prevented revolution in Britain. The Sankey Commission could not come to a suitable conclusion regarding the problems in the coal industry. The government decided not to continue nationalisation, leaving the coal pits in private hands as from April 1st 1921. As exports had declined wages would have to be dropped. This was announced to the miners who threatened a National Strike. The three largest unions had joined together- the railwaymen, transport workers and miners, creating a Triple Alliance. This fell apart in 1921 as the railway workers and transport workers did not support the General Strike. The miners carried on regardless but failed after three months. Lloyd George had averted a strike on a national scale but was fast losing popularity. The government lost significant sums of revenue and had to cut back on issues such as education, the army and navy, health services and council house building. It was known as Geddes Axe as Sir Eric Geddes recommended these drastic cuts in expenditure and the government reduced spending by sixty four million pounds. The General Strike had its origins in the coal industry, which was a need of modernisation and investment. The miners themselves believed that the only way in which efficiency and modernisation could be achieved was through nationalisation. Originally the mines were under government control during the war and then under David Lloyd George and the coalition government. In the 1920’s the condition worsened as the Ruhr in Germany was producing significant quantities of coal and therefore the worldwide price dropped. The return to the Gold Standard under Winston Churchill as Chancellor meant that British exports were over priced and of course coal was one of the largest exports out of Britain. The coal owners proposed a wage cut but this was rejected by the workers. The government averted a strike initially by offering two things. Firstly, by offering subsidies and secondly, by appointing the Samuel Commission. The TUC was ready to support the miners as usually all wages followed the trends of the miners. However, the TUC and miners thought the Samuel Commission would solve any problems and bring the situation to an end. The Samuel Commission report was published in March 1926. The document was fairly conservative and proposed that the mine owners should continue with reorganization and modernization, should not as k for longer hours but the document also suggested that the miners should not ask for higher wages and the government should not continue giving subsidies-at least until the crisis was over. Neither mine owners nor workers accepted the report, but the TUC continued to negotiate on behalf of the miners. The mine owners announced there would be a pay cut on 30th April. In retaliation the miners threatened a strike on May 1st. The coal owners locked the doors on 30th April in an attempt to stop a strike. The TUC still attempted negotiations with the Conservative government, but this proved useless and no solution was reached. There were approximately one and a half million workers on strike during this time and the TUC made it clear they did not wish to inconvenience the public or bring down the government. What they did want was protection for coal workers wages. The TUC still negotiated with the government with Samuel acting as mediator. The government showed no signs of softening and the TUC called off the General Strike on May 12th. Samuel had made a number of proposals, which they hoped would be accepted. Unfortunately, the miners rejected the proposals and the miners continued to strike, whilst believing the TUC had betrayed them. The coal strike continued until December and eventually the coal workers had to return to work with longer hours and less pay. The consequences of the General Strike were mainly negative. The majority of trade union members became disillusioned with the TUC and membership numbers dropped. Approximately 1.1 million members had left the TUC by 1933. The coal industry continued to decline with no investment or modernization in evidence. Even more problematic was the decline in exports. The coal industry was suffering a slow and painful death. In 1927 the government passed the Trade Disputes Act which made another General Strike impossible. Union funds could be seized and no other industry could go on a sympathy strike. More positive results of the strike gave the Labour Party more support and in some industries the strike acted as a wake up call. Some employers such as the Imperial Chemical Industries started to improve labour relations. IN 1929 the Conservatives announced the general election. The Conservatives had the most votes but not the most seats and the result was a little indecisive. In 1929 we see the second Labour government who had to face the huge problems to come. The Conservatives had lost a lot of support due to the General Strike and Trade Disputes Act. Unemployment had also played a huge role. In 1929 unemployment still stood at one million

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Design Proposal for Smartphone Technology

Design Proposal for Smartphone Technology HUMAN MOBILE Your personal invisible communication platform The goal of this project is to propose an innovative and futuristic design of new era mobile smartphone. It is been suggested that the whole device will be implanted to the human body. The aim of the following analysis and key points are the correct choice of the right materials for the task, with focus on the biocompatibility and the practicality of them. Due to the introduction of the smartphone as we know it nowadays, our daily routine has considerably improved. With a device that fits in a pocket, it is possible to communicate instantaneously with anyone that has an internet connection everywhere on the planet, use it as a precise navigator while a couple of years ago it could only be done with a separated device, make payments through i-banking and not wasting valuable time during the day to deal with common banking transactions and the list goes on and on. It is not unreasonable to say that a strong bond is developed between the user and the mobile phone. People are rarely separated from their mobile phones and use them consistently. The constant use and dependence to the mobile phone can lead to several problems which are: the requirement of carrying the device permanently, the limited battery life although the progress made the need of carrying a charger or a power bank and finally, there is the probability of theft (especially if it is a high value device) leading to the exposure of private data. The introduced design can provide total privacy, a fabulous experience in video streaming through a contact lens and leaves the word charging back to history. 3.1. Problem scope Human Mobile is a series of the micro-devices implanted into the human body, through signal transmittance from each component to achieve several functions. There are many problems to take in consideration, which are: Each device should have a relatively long life span. Reduce potential radiation. Excellent thermal diffusivity. Bio-compatibility. In conventional mobile phones, replacement the rate of the old generation by the recent one is frequent, human mobile focus on providing customer privacy and latest technology. All the devices will be implanted in the human body, so the product must be designed with a long life span. Radiation is a potential problem that many people care about, due to fact that high amounts of radiation can provoke cancerogenesis. All devices should have an excellent thermal diffusivity allowing quick heat evacuation to reduce the possibility of the devices overheat that can lead to an explosion. The most significant problem is to secure the bio-compatibility of all the parts. Nobody wants to implant an instrument in the body that can cause health issues even though it is convenient. The above parameters will affect the selection of materials. All materials must meet the conditions mentioned above. 3.2. Design requirement The human mobile consists of five main components: an ultra-thin micro Bluetooth speaker implant in the ear; a photo visual processor, in the shape of a contact lens, making it easy to put on and take off; a pressure sensor, that acts as a keyboard and mouse; a circuit board containing microchip, acting as the brain of the human mobile, responsible for transmitting signals between the processor and the outer world, it will be implanted in arms; a battery to provide electricity current, it will be implanted under the foot. All these devices will be covered by a radiation-reducing coating material, at the same time; the coating material must also have excellent thermal diffusivity. 2.2.1. Ultra-thin micro Bluetooth speaker Micro Bluetooth is implanted behind the ear, it should be as thin as possible, and the level of sounds should be lower than normal Bluetooth speaker, because high volume noises will harm the ear. 2.2.2. Photovisual processor The Photo visual processor is a contact-lens like processor, a micro OLED screen included in to provide digital photo during use, the digital photo connects with the processor sensor, and the customer enjoys an experience of touch-screen everywhere. The processor must be comfortable to the eyeballs. 2.2.3. Pressure sensor A pressure sensor implanted in the fingertip, with a microchip attached as well and according to the change of pressure from the fingertip, the pressure sensor catches the signal and the microchip process it then sends the signal to the visual processor. The sensor should be as tiny as possible to implant in the fingertip. 2.2.4. CPU This is the most important part of the human mobile; normally a CPU is occupying quite a large size when implanted it in the human body, so the implanting position must be a seldom used area, like arms or legs. At the same time, the CPU board should be relatively flexible to resist and absorb hits and shocks from the external environment. The size of it should be as small as possible. 2.2.5 Battery A battery is needed to provide current to each component. The battery must be able to provide adequate current, and at the same time to generate current as well. A piezoelectric battery is chosen; it can generate current by compression. The battery will be implanted under the foot, so people can generate current by walking. 2.2.6 Coatings The coating material is used to cover every facility that is implanted in the human body. It must be bio-compatible and non-toxic. Moreover, during the selection of the coating material, a radiation-reduced material is preferred. 3.3. Design description When customer using human mobile, the CPU will send/receive signals at first, and then transmit these signals into voice/visual form to micro speaker/visual processor. When the user would like to reply at messages, he can easily use his finger tip to type messages through a lighten keyboard provided by the visual processor. Also more entertainment purpose functions can be achieved by these facilities. For human-mobile design, a combination of cost efficiency, electrical properties, thermal expansion and density are crucial. Biocompatibility for each material is not particularly included because the electrical component will be coated with a biocompatible coating. All of those considerations were put together for an Ashby diagram to be constructed. To reduce the price for implanted surgery, the price for each material is constraint to be no more than 25à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¤/kg while the density has its limit below 10g/cm3. Various materials from each group were selected for six major parts of the design based on the diagram in Figure 1. Figure 1. Ashby Diagram 4.1Microprocessor Every device has a brain to control its functions. It builds-up from four main parts into one, known as microprocessor. These parts are: transistor, resistor, capacitor, and diode. According to (2015), transistor is a device that controls the flow of current and voltage, acts as a switch on/off gate for electronic signals. Conductive materials like metal will easily transfer the electrical flow without control, while isolator materials like plastic will transmit neither current nor voltage. Semiconductor is the perfect material that able to transport the electrical flow and control it[1]. (n, d) listed some of semiconductor materials that are widely used in electronic devices. Germanium is on the top list, and placed on the second but is the most used for electronic devices [2]. Even though the charge carrier mobility is less than germanium, it offers a lot easier manufacturing process, exists as the second most abundant elements on earth, hence more efficient cost for production [3]. The second component is the resistor. Resistor has a specific and unchanging resistance that will limit the flow of electrons through the circuit [4]. The different point between a resistor and a transistor is that the fist only consumes the power but cannot generate it like transistor, thence it is a passive component. Materials used for making a resistor can be divided into two parts, the wire and the core. The wire usually made from carbon, metal alloy (nickel-alloy), metal oxide or foil. Meanwhile, the core often made from ceramic, fiberglass, or carbon [5]. To store the electrical charge of electronic devices, capacitor is used. Capacitor is made from conductive and dielectric material. Dielectric material is a non-conductive substance that determines the properties of capacitor. SCHOOT (2014) stated, glass ceramic is a pore free material which able to assist high dielectric strength and provide a high storage density. It is very suitable to be applied as a capacitor, especially if manufactured in nano-sized crystalline structure [6]. Finally, the last component that controls the microprocessor is the diode. It functions as a controller of which direction the current flow, prevents damage to the circuit due to back flow or electromotive force, and consist of cathode and anode [7]. It also provides time lag to stabilize the power within the circuit. Diodes usually are made from semiconductor materials like silicon. Electrons in P-type and N-type of silicon attracted with each other, they tend to build up until it prevents the free movement of any further electron [8]. To increase the conductivity of the circuit, copper or gold are deposited by electroplating process [9]. For this design, the materials chosen for the microprocessor are silicon for both transistor and diode, fibreglass for the substrate of resistor and nickel alloy for its wire and glass ceramic for the capacitor. Properties of selected materials are summarized in table 1. 4.2 Battery To provide electricity for the component to work, efficient battery which provide enough energy needs to be chosen. Considering biocompatibility of the component, green energy were chosen for the design. One of the options is piezoelectric a material. Piezoelectric can be defined any material, which converts kinetic energy into electricity. The atoms inside the piezoelectric crystal are arranged in an unsymmetrical way but however their charges are balanced [10]. Applying mechanical force into the crystal will disturb the arrangement and misplace the atoms, creating net electrical charges. Utilizing its feature, a piezoelectric device can supply self-sufficient energy system. Piezoelectric materials can be found in either natural or synthetic. Natural crystals which exhibits this characteristics are quartz, topaz, and Rochelle salt (potassium sodium tartrate)[10]. Synthetic ceramic materials with a perovskite crystalline structure are materials such as Lead Zirconia Titanate (PZT) or more environmental friendly lead-free piezoceramic. One example of lead-free piezoceramic material that shows big potential is Potasium Sodium Niobate (KNN). Figure 2. How Piezoelectricity Works[10] KNN based piezoceramic shows competitive value of dielectric constant (driven charge per unit force applied in the parallel/perpendicular direction) for about 9.01-13.81 F/m (10-9) compared to PZT 15.3-16.59 F/m (10-9)[11]. From medical aspect, bone can be categorized as piezoelectric material because apatite-collagen relationship can be assumed like p-n junctions[12]. Cytotoxities of KNN have also been evaluated and viability of mouse fibroblast cultured for 24 h were respectively 84%, which means the ion dissolution relatively controllable[12]. Alternative material, for example quartz or the synthetic version of it is fused silica, which has high purity silicon. It has been used for many medical instruments due to its inert properties and biocompatible with humans body[13]. Comparing between KNN and quartz, it is more costly efficient and superior properties to use quartz than KNN. Table 1. Properties for electrical material Materials Density/ gcm-3 Thermal expansion coefficient/ strainoC-1 Electrical resistivity/ Dielectric strength/ MVm-1 Quartz 2.20 0.48 0.52 3.16e24 1e26 25 40 Glass ceramic 9658 2.52 8.72 9.07 3.16e19 3.16e20 38 40 Silicon 2.33 2 3.2 1e6 1e10 5 12 Graphite 2.23 7 7.59 276 348 Copper C15100 8.94 16.8 16.9 1.91 2.04 Germanium 5.32 5.9 1e5 5e7 16 Gold 19.3 14.2 2.44 KNN 4.1 6.5 8e6 5e8 1.3 4.3 Speaker OLED As for a speaker used in the human mobile, the ultra-thin speakers were chosen. Piezoelectric speakers are chose for the reason they are much thinner than the speakers normally used in mobile phones [14]-[16]. In the design of human mobile, we used a kind of piezoelectric speakers with a good sound quality and with a thickness of 0.9-mm. This kind of ultra-thin speaker mentioned in this design has already been successfully used in slim mobile phones nowadays. The ultra-thin piezoelectric speakers are made up of 4 sections, single-layer piezoceramics, shim materials, an elastic polymer and frame, as the picture shown below. Figure 3. Piezoelectric Speaker Figure 4. OLED 4 layers Both sides of the speakers are covered by a silver electrode. Zirconnia and ceramics with an advantage in thickness is used as the piezoceramics layer [17]. Copper is used as the shim material and the surfaces of the copper are covered by the piezoceramics. This kind of section is used to construct a bimorph transducer. PTT film is placed between the 0.9-mm-thick frame and shim, and the bimorph transducer was then attached to the frame. In the selection of materials, the most important aspects we have to consider about are the thickness, density, thermal expansion coefficient, and electrical resistivity. An adhesive is used in the construction to connect all the materials together, and an ultra-thin speaker is created by arranging in a concentric circle . OLED is used in the construction of human mobile. Its principle is that through the smallest details of chemical structure or processing make the devices lighten and display. The construction of OLED is made up of 4 sections, cathode, emissive and conductive layer, anode, and substrate. The following picture shows us the details of an OLED. According to the application, though there are many options for each layer, we choose the materials with better properties and lower price. We choose high density porous polyethylene (HDPE) as anode [18], for the reason of its high density, and for the material selection of cathode, often calcium which satisfies the conditions under the construction of OLED. The anode, of course, must be transparent so that the emitted photons can exit the device. As consider the human mobile is a flexible device [19] so we choose Polyethylene as the materials of emissive and conductive layer. When we talk about materials selection, we talk about how does this product works, what is this products function, what requirements we need to meet, what materials we choose. Table 2. Properties of the materials used in speakers Materials Density/ Kgm-3 Thermal expansion coefficient/ strainoC-1 Electrical resistivity/ Dielectric strength/ MVm-1 Zirconia 5.99e3-6.11e3 7.8-8.1 1e17-3.16e18 4-6 Copper 8.94e3-8.95e3 16.8-16.9 1.91-2.04 PTT 1.3e3-1.33e3 138-142 1.43e22-8.4e22 31.4-32.6 Aluminum 3.94e3-3.96e3 7.7-8.5 1e19-3.16e20 10-21 Table 3. Properties of the materials used in OLED Materials Density/ Kgm-3 Thermal expansion coefficient/ strainoC-1 Electrical resistivity/ Dielectric strength/ MVm-1 HDPE 920-1.24e3 176-184 2.37e23-2.13e24 24.4-29.9 Calcium 3.05e3-3.15e3 11.4-14 Polyethylene 134-160 111-123 6.31e21-4.26e22 LDPE 16-20 190-220 1e21-1e23 4-6 4.5. Pressure sensor system The pressure sensor system is used to measure the pressure parameters which are being tested, which have been divided into two parts. The first part is the main part, pressure sensor, which is made of silicon (a traditional material for sensor) aim for receiving force signal. The second part is a small microchip which process signal and send it to the CPU. The material of the second part is same as the main microchips. The whole pressure sensor system acts as a mouse to achieve the anywhere touch-screen function through visual processing lens signal. 4.6. Coating materials A coating material is used for protection. Because our products need to be implant into human the body, we need an absolutely safe coating to prevent harmful accident happening. The coating must meet the standards which are: bio-compatibility, very slow or no degradation, and good surface properties. So, a choice of three kinds of materials has been made for the customer. First of all is bio glass 8625. Secondly, a hydrophilic coating suitable for vascular implants and finally silicone. These three materials both have a long-life, comfort surface and minimized radiation, and both of them are bio-compatible. When we decide to market a product, several critical factors should be considered: The competition from other peers Define the ideal customer The unique selling proposition Testing Media campaigns Our aim is to design a human mobile, according to research. No one has invented this human mobile. Once we designed human mobile, there is no direct competition from other peers, but we should inform the customer what are the differences between our product and a conventional mobile phone, and what kinds of benefits can a customer get from this product. The cell phone in nowadays has many different functions, it is difficult to let customer accept our product. People may think we already have iPhone, why should we implant a mobile in our body. Thats why we need to define our customer, we cannot assume that all customers will accept the idea behind our product, but we can focus to a specific customer. Our product is based on convey message, GPS, WIFI and personal ID verification. Nowadays, young people are interested in new technology, and they text each other every day anytime, and are permanently connected to WIFI. So they may be curious and would like to try this new product. Moreover, they may think it is cool to implant a mobile phone into their body. The cost of the product is 689 £, which is not cheap, but nowadays, the young people would like to pay for that even they cannot afford it. The iPhone is the example. There are two main factors in unique selling propositionà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã… ¡ Benefit commitment. We need to tell the customer to know what the specific functions of our product are, and what actual benefit they can get. Unique. We need to emphasise our special function that our peers dont have. This will be achieved through the advertising and news conference. Only new and unique can attract customers eye. The product must be carefully tested due to fact that it is implanted in the human body for several years. Lab test can be done to simulate the human body conditions. Also to have more prompt results and not to wait years to observe a change, more aggressive conditions can be applied during the testing. This will help define the limits of the materials and map eventual regions of the components that are more susceptible to damage than others and therefore require more frequent inspection and monitoring. 5. As a new product, the marketing questionnaire is necessary. Is it the fastest and easiest way to know the customer would accept our product or not, and which kind of people would like to buy our product. Furthermore, we can adjust and improve our product according to the feedback from the questionnaire. Media campaigns are necessary part of marketing; advertisement and news conferences are the best way to promote our product. But it requires a significant budget. However, the profit will excess what we paid for the marketing campaign. As regarding the cost, according to materials we selected, and profits that a company is required to make, the cost of our product is 689 £. The price includes the price of materials (the price of the materials are based on RS component website [20]), manufacturing and labour cost. Surgery fees are included. Also, as a new product, we dont want the price of our product excess the existing successful product, like iPhones and Samsung Galaxy series. The average price of the iPhone and Samsung is  £700. So the price we are offering it makes the customer think about what kind of features he can get with same amount of money. References [1], (2015). What is transistor? Definition from [online] Available at: [accessed 7 March 2017] [2], (n,d). 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Thursday, October 24, 2019

Violence in Media Leads to Desensitization and Aggression Essay

C.S. Lewis wrote that â€Å"murder [was] no better than cards if cards can do the trick. Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one--the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts†. This quote's claim can be used to describe the consequences of media violence. Even the most appalling crimes can, gradually, deteriorate the moral compass that have been built up due to society, family values and religion. Despite what some may think, violence would not come in sudden burst of energy, instantly is recognizable, that would undue a person, but a slow pace that would be easing into violence that would be the cause. There would not be any warnings or â€Å"signposts†, to distinguish between being too close to the edge and finding amusement in, levels of violence, that years prior would have been unthinkable. Viewing violence on media outlets leads to desensitization towards violence and can encourage outward aggression. W hile there is research that claims the opposite, this paper will review the scholarship that disproves these claims and shows that media has a tangible effect on children. This paper will strive to prove this point by analyzing an article written on a relating current event, several articles that provide research about the subject and opposing viewpoints. The first to be discussed is the event that took place three years ago. Bullying, while nothing new, is done in a completely new way than ever before thanks to the Internet. In 2008, eight teenagers (six girls and two boys) lured then beaten and taunted another teenager girl, filming it and posting it to various websites such as YouTube and Myspace (Associated Press, 2009). While the amount of footage that was taken amount... ...and the media. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 2001. 223-254. National Center for Children Exposed to Violence . "Statistics (Violence in the Media ) - National Center for Children Exposed to Violence NCCEV." The National Center For Children Exposed to Violence . (accessed April 17, 2012). Van Der Molen, Juiette H. Walma. "Violence and Suffering in Television News: Toward a Broader Conception of Harmful Television Content for Children." Pediatrics 113, no. 6 (2004): 1771-1775. (accessed April 10, 2012). Vollmann, William T.. "Guns in the USA." In Rising up and rising down: some thoughts on violence, freedom and urgent means. 2003. Reprint, New York: Ecco, 2004. 365.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Implementation of assessment for learning

Although as instructors we use many pupil activities and learning methods in our schoolroom instruction, all pupils in the category do non to the full achieve the larning aim of the lesson. Therefore, appraisals may be employed for the intent of measuring pupil attainment, be aftering future work, delegating pupil classs and comparing public presentation. There are many types of appraisal that we use for this intent. Summative, formative and ipsative are some of the appraisals that are normally used among the instructors. Summational appraisal is an appraisal which is often used at the terminal of a lesson or a peculiar period for ‘summarizing the accomplishment position of a pupil ‘ ( Sadler, 1989, p. 120 ) . Although it gives us feedback about the pupils ‘ capable cognition, sometimes it is excessively late therefore action can non be taken to better the acquisition of the pupil. More seriously instructors continue without truly detecting the existent reverse of the kid, therefore the demand of a more effectual rating tool arises. Black & A ; Wiliam ( 1998a ) province that â€Å" Assessment for larning † which is besides known as â€Å" Formative Appraisal † is one of the cardinal factors that helps the pupils to better their criterion of accomplishment. The chief focal point of this essay is how assessment for larning can be used in an effectual manner in mathematics lessons. First I will briefly define appraisal for larning. Then I will supply an overview of the chief stairss involved in the execution and the attacks to better the quality of appraisal for acquisition and eventually this paper will concentrate on the alteration of the function of the instructor and the pupil. The thoughts in this essay are aimed at bettering the quality of mathematics learning by utilizing appraisal for larning in the most effectual manner.2. Definitions of Assessment for Learning/ Formative appraisalAppraisal for acquisition is defined by a figure of research workers over the past old ages. Sadler ( 1989, p. 120 ) defines appraisal for larning as an appraisal that ‘ is concerned with how judgement about the quality of pupil responses ( public presentations, pieces, or plants ) can be used to determine and better the pupil ‘s competency by short-circuiting the entropy and inefficiency of trial-and -error larning ‘ . Tunstall & A ; Gipps ( 1996, p. 389 ) besides takes a similar position by proposing that formative appraisal is a ‘process of measuring, judging or measuring pupils ‘ work or public presentation and utilizing this to form and better their competency. In mundane schoolroom footings this means instructors utilizing their judgements of kids ‘s cognition or understanding to feed back into the instruction procedure and to find for single kids whether to reinterpret the task/concept, to give farther pattern on it, or travel on the following phase ‘ P. J. Black ( 2003, p. 2 ) explains the basic qualities in this appraisal as: ‘an appraisal activity can assist larning if it provides information to be used as feedback by instructors, and by their pupils in measuring themselves and each other, to modify the instruction and acquisition activities in which they are engaged. Such assessment becomes formative appraisal when the grounds is used to accommodate the instruction work to run into learning demands ‘ . He elaborates further and says that appraisal for larning occurs several times in every lesson therefore it is an â€Å" built-in and intimate portion of a instructors day-to-day work † ( P. J. Black, 2003, p. 2 ) In the visible radiation of the definitions given above, appraisal for acquisition can be described as a procedure of judgment and measuring the pupil public presentation and supplying feedback for the betterment of the acquisition procedure. The feedback is used to measure and modify the instruction techniques to run into the acquisition demands, so that the instructor can judge the pupil ‘s cognition and make up one's mind on the following measure to better the pupil competences.3. Execution of Assessment for larningConsciously or unconsciously instructors continuously assess their pupils while learning. But for proper opinion to be made and for the opinion to be helpful in the learning procedure of the pupil, the appraisal needs to be done in a peculiar mode. It is of import to place the cardinal factors in execution of appraisal for larning for it to be productive. Therefore the execution procedure is divided into four subdivisions: scene and sharing ends, roll uping ground s, construing grounds and make up one's minding the following measure. Each subdivision is non reciprocally sole but for easiness of elucidation I have separated them.3.1 Setting and sharing endsWhen be aftering the lesson it is the instructor ‘s duty to put clear learning ends ( aims ) . Harmonizing to Lee ( 2006 ) larning nonsubjective may be a short phrase or a sentence. It is so a challenge for the instructor to put out aims because she needs to take into history the course of study, scrutiny course of study and the pupils ‘ anterior cognition. Most significantly the aims need to be shared with the pupil every bit good. In making so both the pupil and the instructor acquire a clear image of what should be attained by the terminal of the lesson. It is of import to follow up the aim and it makes it easier for the pupils to measure their advancement of attainment. Lee ( 2006, p. 45 ) notes that ‘it is of import that the acquisition aims are shared with students an d that they are discussed in the start, during and at the terminal of the lesson, and that the students can mention to them during the lesson ‘ . This gives the pupil the chance to supervise themselves as they progress. Puting clear aims is of import for the instructor every bit good. P. J. Black ( 2003, p. 91 ) points out that the instructors are cognizant of what they want the pupils to larn, they are able to happen ‘what the ‘gap ‘ was between the province of the pupils ‘ current acquisition and the acquisition end and to be able to supervise that spread as it closed ‘ . It is of import to put command ( larning ) ends instead than public presentation ends. P. Black & A ; Wiliam ( 1998a, p. 22 ) reveals the consequences in a survey done with the 3rd and 6th classs mathematical job work outing. Newman and Schwager ( 1995 ) did this survey where one group was given the end of larning which had emphasised on the apprehension of the method of work outing the job ( ‘this will assist you to larn new things ‘ ) whereas the other was given public presentation ends where the chief importance was finishing many jobs right ( ‘how would you assist us to cognize how smart you are and what sort of class you will acquire? ‘ ) . When the two groups were compared the public presentation end pupils showed maladaptive inquiring forms. Therefore when larning ends are given, the kids concentrate more on get the hanging the larning facet instead than obtaining the concluding replies. Yorke ( 2003, p. 488 ) provinces that pupils who work to larning e nds, would recognize failure as undertaking information ‘to be assimilated or accommodated ( utilizing Piagetian nomenclature ) , whereas for kids working to public presentation ends it was a oppressing blow ‘ . Harmonizing to Lee ( 2006 ) as aims are broader and frequently generic, it can be broken down in to simpler stairss and made more specific to the lesson. These stairss are called success standards. Success standards should be planned in progress by the instructor by closely analyzing the standards the pupil should get the hang. In another case the instructor could acquire the pupils to research and discourse the acquisition aim and acquire the kids to partake in puting up the success standards so that the pupils have ownership of the success standards. When the pupil progresses along the list, get the hanging each success standard they bit by bit achieve the acquisition nonsubjective and most significantly they are cognizant of their acquisition advancement. It helps the pupils to construct up their assurance in acquisition, particularly in mathematics as get the hanging one mathematical subject would affect get the hanging in a series of mathematical operations and processs beforeha nd. ‘Pupils in cognizing what they are larning, how good they are larning and that they are larning and hence are of import in assisting the students know that they are successful scholars ‘ ( Lee, 2006, p. 49 ) . Lee ( 2006, p. 47 ) gives an illustration of utilizing larning aims and success standards in learning Pythagoras theorem. Learning nonsubjective Success standards To larn about Pythagoras ‘ theorem To larn more about the usage of Pythagoras ‘ theorem I know what a right angle trigon agencies I have: Carefully drawn three different right angled trigons drawn a square against each side, doing certain each angle is a right angle found the country of each of the three squares and set them in a tabular array inquire one other individual for the countries of their squares and put those in my tabular array found a relationship between the country of the squares and stated it utilizing algebra. I know what a square root is I can: State Pythagoras ‘ theorem and cognize which sides of the trigon the missive refer to Use it to cipher the hypotenuse of 5 different right-angled trigons with different orientations use it to happen a short side of 5 different trigons use it to happen the tallness of 2 isosceles trigons. As it is shown in the above illustration the aim of larning Pythagoras ‘ theorem is rather general and it is larning oriented. By interrupting down the aims into success standards it is made more specific to the lesson. The kids foremost learn what a right angled trigon is so draw squares on each side. Then they would happen the country of each square, put them in a tabular array and obtain informations from other pupils as good. Then they would happen the relationship between the countries and eventually come up with the algebraic look. At the terminal of the lesson the pupils can reply the inquiry whether they have mastered the Pythagoras ‘ theorem by mentioning to the success standard. As an illustration: Do I cognize what a right angled trigon is? What have I learnt about Pythagoras ‘ theorem? Harmonizing to Lee, the acquisition undertaking is achieved by get the hanging a sequence of success standards. Students can construe the standards in different ways. Wiliam ( 2005 ) supports this position by stating that ‘the words do non hold the significance for the pupil that they have for the instructor ‘ ( p.29 ) . He suggests that the pupil should be given clip to believe and discourse as to what the ‘criteria ‘ truly average. Therefore, it is really of import for the instructor to cognize whether the kids are deriving the needed cognition at each phase or whether they are able use the cognition in a different environment. One manner we can get the better of this is by acquiring them to make some illustrations at the terminal of the success standards. For illustration: which one of the trigons make a right angled triangle? A- 6cm, 8cm, 10cm B- 3cm, 2cm, 4 centimeter C- 5m, 12m, 13m When this sort of a inquiry is given, the pupils can utilize the cognition of Pythagoras theorem to reply so that the instructor gets a feedback as to whether they have mastered the standards. However, naming out the standards may restrict the cognition gained by the pupil to a specific way and degree. It may be more appropriate to allow the pupil experiment with the information and happen their way of acquisition, giving them the autonomy of make up one's minding the bounds so that some pupils may be able to larn more than the listed standards. For an illustration: the instructor could inquire them to look into whether Pythagoras theorem is valid for semi-circles drawn on the sides of the trigon. Then widen it to different forms such as isosceles trigons, Pentagons etc. Then steer the kids to research so that they could come up with a broader thought of the theorem.3.2 Roll uping groundsThe instructor needs to hold a elaborate cognition of the abilities and the ‘developmental demands ‘ of the scholar to help the pupil to ‘move to the following phase of their development ‘ ( Harris, 2007, p. 253 ) . Teachers must be after the lesson good because in formative appraisal, the accent is on ‘how I am traveling to learn this and what are pupils traveling to larn? ‘ instead than on ‘what am I traveling to learn and what are the students traveling to make? ‘ ( P. Black, Harrison, Lee, Marshall, & A ; Wiliam, 2002, p. 19 ) . It is besides of import to research the pupil ‘s thought before reasoning that the pupil ‘understood ‘ because really frequently what kids ‘understand ‘ is non the same as what the instructor intended to learn. Thus ‘assessment is the span between learning and larning ‘ and choice inquiries give instructors this ‘window into believing ‘ ( Wiliam, 2005, p. 22 ) . In two inquiries used in the Third International Mathematics and scientific discipline survey ( TIMSS ) , though the inquiries were similar the success rates were different. In Israel, 88 % of the pupils answered the first inquiry right, while 46 % answered the 2nd right, with 39 % taking response ( B ) . The ground for this is that many pupils develop a construct that ‘the largest fraction is the 1 with the smallest denominator and vice-versa ‘ . Although this leads to the right reply to the first inquiry, it does non take to the right reply to the 2nd inquiry. Furthermore if we add 46 % and 39 % it is really near to 88 % which provides grounds that many pupils who got the first inquiry right may hold used the wrong scheme. Therefore, a pupil replying a inquiry right does non ever intend that the pupil perceptual experience matches the instructor ‘s. Thus the inquiries should be good planned and rich in substance. However a ‘rich inquiry ‘ would non mer ely supply what the pupil can make, but besides what needs to be done following, to broaden or intensify understanding ‘ ( p23 ) . Item 1 ( success rate 88 % ) Which fraction is the smallest? a ) a†¦Y6 B ) a†¦Ã¢â‚¬  degree Celsius ) a†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å" vitamin D ) a†¦Y2 Item 2 ( success rate 46 % ) Which fraction is the largest? 4/5 B ) A? degree Celsius ) 5/8 vitamin D ) 7/10 ( Wiliam, 2005, p. 21 ) Wiliam ( 2005 ) describes the resolution of the undermentioned brace of coincident equations: 2a = 24 a + B =16 Many pupils found this hard and the instructors might reason that the kids need aid in work outing equations in this kind, but it was found that the trouble was non with the accomplishments but their beliefs that each algebraic missive stands for a different figure. Thus it is of import to utilize inquiries that ‘reveal unintended constructs ‘ ( Wiliam, 2005, p. 22 ) if we intend to better pupils ‘ mathematical thought. Lee ( 2006 ) notes that inquiring inquiries that enable pupils to believe and research so that misinterpretations of the constructs are revealed is an of import portion of appraisal for acquisition. Children should be encouraged to listen to the thoughts of others and ‘support one another to develop a common apprehension ‘ ( Lee, 2006, p. 51 ) . Challenging inquiries should be given so that pupils would hold to believe a great trade and take hazards when replying. Lee states that even when inquiries could be answered rapidly it can be explored at length by the altering inquiring manner. For illustration: alternatively of inquiring, â€Å" Are all premier Numberss uneven Numberss? † which requires a yes/no reply, the instructor can border the inquiry as a statement – â€Å" All premier Numberss are non uneven Numberss † – and inquire the pupils to discourse in little groups before showing the grounds and their decision to the category. It is of import that the pupils know that their part is ‘valued as an of import measure on the route to understanding ‘ ( Lee, 2006, p. 51 ) so that everyone contributes to the treatment. I feel treatments are really utile particularly in higher categories as it gives them the autonomy to research loosely in that subject while believing critically ; moreover the cognition gained by this type of acquisition is long lasting. Torrance & A ; Pryor ( 1998, p. 18 ) defines rightness of the responses in relation to classroom direction as ‘ maintaining the lesson traveling along instead than a narrowly constructed impression of a ‘correct ‘ reply ‘ . This indicates that the pupils no longer necessitate to be afraid to give incorrect replies but need to show their ideas. By looking at the account of the reply whether right or incorrect both the instructor and the pupil will be able to place the perceptual experience of the pupils and whether there are any misconceptions. Furthermore this type of larning would ‘focus on students ‘ acquisition and non acquiring through the content at any cost ‘ ( Lee, 2006, p. 52 ) . In pattern this could be really hard from the instructor ‘s point of position as the course of study is fixed and syllabus demands to be covered within the given clip. Particularly in scrutiny categories, instructors have the load of completing the cour se of study and rewriting as schools are more interested in bring forthing good consequences. P. J. Black ( 2003, p. 33 ) point outs that Rowe ( 1974 ) had looked at the effects of addition in ‘Wait clip ‘ . She had found that ‘answers were longer, failure to react reduced, responses were more confident, pupils challenged and/or improved the replies of the other pupils and more alternate accounts were offered ‘ . Lee ( 2006 ) suggests that its more appropriate to name this ‘think clip ‘ and provinces that ‘no hands up ‘ unless you want to inquire a inquiry creates an ambiance where everyone contributes and listen to the others. Another manner to increase the engagement of pupils is to inquire them to ‘brainstorm thoughts ‘ ( P. J. Black, 2003 ) , group treatments and promote pupils to explicate their ain inquiries and inquire each other ( Harris, 2007 ) . As most pupils are non used to this pattern in schoolrooms they need to be bit by bit trained to experience comfy to voice their sentiment and carry out treatments. Particularly in lower categories instructors would necessitate to work hard to acquire the ‘climate right ‘ ( Lee, 2006, p. 51 ) . All this needs a great trade of readying. Wiliam ( 2005 ) states that in most Anglophone states, instructors spend most of their readying clip taging books entirely and in some other states the bulk of the lesson readying clip is spent in be aftering how new subjects could be introduced, which context and illustrations can be used. However, in Japan most of their readying clip is spent on working together to invent inquiries to measure the success of their instruction, through ‘the procedure known as ‘lesson survey ‘ ( Fernandez & A ; Makoto, 2004 ) ‘ ( Wiliam, 2005, p. 22 ) . It is of import that instructors have a set of rich inquiries and would be more utile if they portion them among the other instructors of the school. As an illustration: simplify ( if possible ) : 2a + 5b ( where you do non anticipate to acquire the same as the reply ) , which fraction is the largest 3/7 or 3/11 ( whether the pupils are able to choose larger fraction of two ‘ordinary ‘ fractions ) ( Wiliam, 2005, p. 23 ) . However, a rich inquiry is a type of a inquiry that would turn to common misconception and enable the pupil ‘s thought and researching ability. Although holding a set of rich inquiries is of import, the instructors need to rethink and regenerate them each clip they plan the lesson and most significantly change them suitably as the lessons proceed. I think no instructor can to the full be after a lesson because different kids could react otherwise to the same inquiry. Therefore, depending on the pupils ‘ responses the instructor needs to make up one's mind the following measure to shut the spread.3.3 Interpreting groundsP. Black & A ; Wiliam ( 1998a, p. 16 ) provinces that ‘feedback between those taught and the instructor, and this is entailed in the quality of their interactions which is at the bosom of teaching method. The nature of these interactions between instructors and pupils, and of pupils with one another, will be cardinal determiners for the result of any alterations ‘ . This shows the importance of quality feedback irrespective of the beginning ( instructor or equal ) . Sadler ( 1998 ) states that the ultimate purpose of feedback should be to do the pupil an independent scholar therefore peer appraisal and self assessment gives great chance. In this subdivision I will discourse how feedback can be given in an effectual manner by instructors, equals and the scholar himself.3.3.1 Teacher feedback‘Feedback to pupils should concentrate on the undertaking, should be given on a regular basis and while still relevant, and should be specific to the undertaking ‘ ( P. Black & A ; Wiliam, 1998a, p. 8 ) . Feedback is non formative if it is non understood, can non be used by the scholar to better their acquisition or given at the terminal of a faculty as it is excessively late be used. Therefore, it is more utile if the pupils are given the chance to read the written remarks in category, so that they can do any farther elucida tions. Furthermore, the instructor should follow up as to happen out whether the pupil has taken remedial steps. If non sometimes pupils may non take any action. Butler ( 1988 ) conducted an experimental survey about the nexus between intrinsic motive and the type of rating given to the pupils. This involved 48, 11 twelvemonth old Israeli pupils who were divided into three groups. Butler gave three different feedbacks to the learners- classs, remarks and a combination of both classs and remarks. The survey showed that the group who were given remarks gained important betterment. Furthermore, the other two groups showed a diminution in the acquisition ( tonss ) . This non merely revealed that giving remarks is the best manner of supplying feedback, but when remarks are combined with ‘normative feedback ‘ ( classs ) it eliminates the good effects of the remark every bit good. ( P. Black & A ; Wiliam, 1998a ) Harmonizing to Wiliam ( 2005 ) when pupils get a higher mark they do non see a demand to read the remark whereas when they get low tonss they do non desire to read the remark as they are de-motivated. When pupils are given Markss it affects their self-esteem furthermore there is no indicant as to what they have/have non achieved or what remedial action demands to be taken. Wiliam ( 2005 ) illustrates another survey done by Butler ( 1987 ) where pupils were given remarks, classs, congratulations and no feedback. It revealed that the pupils who received remarks had improved, whereas those who received classs or congratulations made no more advancement than those who did non have any feedback. The questionnaire given to the pupils revealed that the pupils who got remarks had higher degree of task-involvement, whereas those who got classs or congratulations had well higher ego-involvement. Therefore, if classs or congratulations are given we would merely be able to ‘increase the sense of ego-involvement without increasing accomplishment ‘ ( Wiliam, 2005, p. 25 ) . When look intoing approximately congratulations, research workers found that feedback could hold inauspicious effects if it is focused on ‘self-esteem ‘ or ‘self-image ‘ ( congratulations or classs ) ( Wiliam, 2005 ) . Although congratulations can increase motive, it is necessary to keep congratulations throughout to keep the motive which is instead hard thereby praising can do inauspicious effects on a pupil. However, Wiliam ( 2005, p. 26 ) provinces that Brophy ( 1981 ) has pointed out that the quality is more of import than the measure of congratulations ; ‘teachers praise is far more effectual if it is infrequent, believable, contingent, specific and echt ‘ . I feel that a pupil who is gifted being praised for his born endowment can hold a negative consequence on others, particularly on the less able pupil ‘s self-esteem. Therefore, feedback has to concentrate on what can be done to better instead than how good they have done. For feedbac k to be formative it should ‘contain a formula for farther action ‘ ( p28 ) . As an illustration: alternatively of noticing ‘good ‘ or ‘well done ‘ , it would be more appropriate for a instructor to compose a remark as ‘ Susan, you have got the right thought here approximately seeking to explicate your regulation. Think: does it use to all trigons? ‘ ( P. J. Black, 2003, p. 45 ) . This remark helps the kid to travel a measure frontward. This does non intend the more feedback you get the better it is. Wiliam ( 2005 ) provinces that Day and Cordon ( 1993 ) looked at the acquisition of a group of pupils where half of the pupils were given a ‘scaffolding ‘ when they got stuck and the other half was given a complete reply. The pupils who received the ‘scaffolding ‘ learned more and retained the cognition longer than those who received the full reply. As an illustration: The instructor can scaffold the pupil by inquiring ; What type of a trigon is this? 5cm 13cm What theorem can be used to happen the sides of a right angled trigon? Ten cm How make you utilize the Pythagoras ‘ theorem to happen a shorter side?3.3.2 Peer-assessmentPeer-assessment is appraisal of pupils by their equals, supplying information that will assist them to travel on to the following measure. One manner that peer-assessment can be done successfully is by acquiring the pupils to measure and tag the work of others. As they know they are taging the work of another, they take involvement and duty in making so. Furthermore, when there are dissensions about the reply they discuss and come to understandings. Lee ( 2006 ) states that pupils are honorable and ambitious and accept unfavorable judgment by one another than with the instructor. I have experienced that pupils sometimes while traveling through another individual ‘s account or method may broaden their apprehension of the construct or even challenge and argue to turn out or disapprove with their ain co-workers. As an illustration: Measure the angles of the trigon given below utilizing a protractor. a angle a = 32a? ° angle B = 43a? ° angle degree Celsius = 65a? ° B degree Celsiuss If a pupil is taging the work of a co-worker he might discourse with his equal that when adding all three angles they do non add up to 180a? ° and that angle degree Celsius is an obtuse angle therefore it can non be 65a? ° . They would happen through treatment that the pupil has measured the exterior angle alternatively of the interior angle when mensurating the angle degree Celsius of the trigon. They would together mensurate the angle degree Celsius so that the pupil learns his error. Geting pupils to work in groups is another scheme that promotes peer-assessment which helps them to develop communicating accomplishments as they talk and portion their thoughts. Particularly when they discuss about the aims and what has been done and what needs to be done, it helps them to develop accomplishments needed for self-assessment ( P. J. Black, 2003 ) . Training pupils how to discourse schemes with others, linguistic communication to utilize when they critique the work of the others ( P. J. Black, 2003 ) and how to construe feedback so that they can link it to their hereafter work, is every bit of import as supplying information ( Sadler, 1998 ) . They besides need to be trained to mention to success standards and place what has been done and what needs to be done. I feel that peer assessment demands close monitoring and preparation as it can impact another individuals ‘ self-pride. Particularly when covering with low winners unless they are comfy they might experience their work is been compared and evaluated against another which in return may do adverse an consequence.3.3.3 Self-assessmentHarmonizing to Lee ( 2006 ) Self-assessment is an of import signifier of appraisal which engage pupils to speak about their ain acquisition which makes them self-critical and independent. As instructors it is of import that we train the pu pils to understand what they are meant to larn. However, harmonizing to P. Black & A ; Wiliam ( 1998b ) , most pupils are incognizant of the acquisition aims, but if they are cognizant of their marks ( aims ) , ‘their ain appraisal become an object of treatments with their instructors and with one another ‘ ( p10 ) . Geting the pupils to reexamine their ain work and enter their advancement is a method of self-assessment. Therefore, the pupil becomes ‘independent and confident scholar ‘ ( Brookhart, Andolina, Zuza, & A ; Furman, 2004, p. 214 ) . Lee suggests that inquiring the kids to make up one's mind the degree of assurance in their work as good manner of developing self-assessment accomplishments, particularly in lower categories. ‘Traffic visible radiations ‘ and ‘thumbs up ‘ method can be used to acquire the pupils to measure their assurance degree. If the pupils are confident about the construct they use green or hitchhike up, if they are still diffident gold or thumb horizontal or if they are really diffident ruddy or hitchhike down. When they are more comfy they might state â€Å" I ‘m traveling a spot ruddy on this † so that the instructor can take remedial steps easy. Through experience I feel that this is a really good method as the pupi ls can describe troubles without being noticed by other equals. This besides minimizes the distraction of the other scholars. Geting the pupils to measure exemplar pieces of work which contain common misconceptions or mistakes would assist the pupil to understand how to measure their equals and their ain work. For illustration, pull a graph with an inconsistent graduated table on the y-axis and secret plan points severely ( Lee, 2006 ) . When the pupils start discoursing about the graph they non merely understand the construct but ‘develop communicating accomplishments and math vocabulary ‘ ( Brookhart, et al. , 2004, p. 214 ) .3.4 Deciding on the following measureIn a traditional schoolroom, appraisal is used as a ‘tool for the control or alteration of behaviour, for wagess and penalty ‘ ( Sadler, 1989, p. 141 ) , but in a schoolroom where formative appraisal is practiced, appraisal is used to measure the spread between the ‘present place ‘ and the ‘desired end ‘ and to understand ‘the manner to shut the spread ‘ ( P. Black & A ; Wiliam, 1998b ) . The instructor guides the pupil in taking the following measure, but finally the pupils ‘become independent of the instructor and intelligently prosecute in and supervise their ain development ‘ ( Sadler, 1989, p. 141 ) . If the pupil has non understood the construct, the instructor spends more clip or even seek different attacks to do certain that the pupil to the full understood the construct. In an case where everyone has mastered the construct the instructor can inquire the pupil to make up one's mind what needs to be done following to make the following acquisition standards. However, with clip pupils become more independent in make up one's minding what the following measure should be to eventually achieve the aim. However, in a existent schoolroom this is non an easy measure for the instructor. The degree of attainment and single demands would be different from one kid to another. Particularly in a schoolroom with a big figure of pupils it would be a great challenge for the instructor. Monitoring the degree of attainment, make up one's mind the following measure that would drive each kid in category towards the mark and eventually covering the course of study within the given clip frame would so be a great challenge for the instructor. Therefore, holding group and whole category treatments, equal and self appraisal would cut down the load on the instructor. 4. Changing the instructor ‘s function Formative appraisal makes the teacher move off from being dominated by the completing of the course of study to being a facilitator of pupil acquisition. Teachers think of the content to be taught as a series of larning ends instead than a series of activities to be completed at any cost ( P. J. Black, 2003 ) . The instructor ‘s duty is to assist the pupils to shut the spread between the current province and the learning end while constructing their apprehension. P. J. Black ( 2003 ) states that in the King's-Medway-Oxfordshire Formative Assessment Project ( KMOFAP ) research, instructors were prepared to learn two tierces of the course of study as this is a clip devouring procedure, but in a existent category room instructors do non hold the autonomy to make up one's mind, but alternatively they are compelled to cover the whole course of study. Therefore, instructors may confront practical issues due to the nature of the course of study. Especially instructors who have been in the profession for many old ages may happen these inventions hard to accept and understand moreover they consider this as extra work to their day-to-day instruction. To get the better of this state of affairs instructors should non pattern this method of learning in add-on to the normal instruction, but should be pattern as a portion of the normal instruction. They could besides pattern this method bit by bit taking subdivision by subdivision of the course of study so that they eventually become comfy to learn the whole course of study utilizing the method. Therefore, this would take clip for the instructors to set and pattern this method of instruction. The pupils are encouraged to discourse and show mathematical Ideas. Lee ( 2006 ) states that instructors look at a schoolroom as a ‘discourse community ‘ which means they portion common ends, that there is information and feedback and that everyone understands the mathematical linguistic communication. Students are stimulated to speak and believe and the instructor guides them in these rich treatments. However, these treatments could take to the revelation of constructs. Therefore, a instructor should hold a good cognition of the topic for him to research the thoughts confidently. A instructor should non take a lesson or subject in isolation, but alternatively he should see it as a whole topic so that the treatment would associate the countries that had already been done or would be finishing in future. P. J. Black ( 2003 ) states that the instructor ‘s outlooks change with the pattern of formative appraisal. They believe that the pupils ‘ degree of ability is non fixed but that it can be improved with some support and counsel. Therefore, if a pupil finds a subject hard alternatively of believing that the pupil can non understand because of some familial lack the instructors give them clip or think of a different attack. As an illustration: work out 3ab-5ab In a traditional schoolroom if a pupil fails to reply this inquiry, the instructor would mention the inquiry to another pupil who is capable or inquire a simpler inquiry which does non affect a negative reply from that pupil, presuming that he is non capable. But when formative appraisal is practiced the instructor would remind the pupil ; state me how to work out 3 – 5? and assist the pupil so that he would eventually come up with the solution. The other major alteration of the instructor ‘s function is that the control of the lesson is besides in the custodies of the pupils. Teachers every bit good as the pupils are responsible to make up one's mind what needs to be done to achieve the end, how long they would pass on the subject and what activities they would prosecute in, therefore, the pupils become self-restraining. ‘I was concentrating on the misss understanding and non on their behavior. I frequently found that one time the apprehension was at that place, the behavior followed ‘ a instructor ‘s remark in Lee ( 2006, p. 96 ) . I have frequently experienced that the kids become restless and non prosecute in the lesson when they do non understand or when they are non occupied. When they all contribute and actively take part in a lesson they become self-restraining and as they know that their part is valued it enhances their self-esteem.5. Changing the pupils ‘ functionThe pupils ‘ function has changed from being a ‘passive receiver of cognition offered by the instructor ‘ to an ‘active scholar ‘ in the acquisition procedure who will ‘take duty for and pull off their ain acquisition ‘ ( P. J. Black, 2003, p. 97 ) . The pupils are expected to show their thoughts, think and raise their sentiments, assess themselves and their equals an d make up one's mind on remedial steps. This is non an easy alteration from the pupils ‘ point of position. All pupils may non be comfy in showing thoughts due to talking troubles or mathematical linguistic communication jobs. Another issue is the trouble in accepting the unfavorable judgment by others. Therefore, as a start the instructor can promote them to discourse group wise and so continue to category treatments. The pupils should understand that incorrect replies and misconceptions are of import as they give the chance to widen acquisition ( P. J. Black, 2003 ) . Students are frequently used to listen to the instructor and they are non use to believing critically, therefore they find it hard to believe and show thoughts. As an illustration: ‘Would your mass be the same on the Moon? ‘ ( Wiliam, 2005 ) Explain whether ‘1 ‘ is a premier figure. In these above inquiries the pupils are promoted to believe without the instructor giving the replies. However, this is one other major alteration in the function of the pupil where they sometimes might experience that the instructor is non a good instructor as he does non give out replies and they are so used to the inactive function. Therefore it takes clip and pattern for the pupils to acquire used to it, but so it is a worthwhile measure.6. DecisionIn this essay I have discussed of import points that need to be focused in utilizing appraisal for larning efficaciously in a mathematics schoolroom. As this appears to be one of the most powerful ways of learning through measuring the pupils, as instructors we need this to be embedded in our day-to-day mathematics lessons at all category degrees. However, I feel the fixed lengthy course of study which needs to be covered is a big barrier in practising this scheme. Teachers are compelled to cover the whole course of study because the pupils sit for the standard trials. Furthermore instructors have no authorization to make up one's mind on the course of study they would learn. Therefore, even if they pattern formative appraisal and continue easy in some lessons they might hold to hotfoot through some other subject. Therefore, whether it is practical to learn the whole course of study or whether certain subdivisions can be omitted demands to be researched and discussed by educationalists. Most of the schemes that are used ( oppugning, supplying feedback, measuring ) are non wholly new to instructors, but in appraisal for larning they are used in a more productive and effectual mode to assist pupil larning. Particularly in countries like oppugning, instructors may develop the accomplishments needed with experience and with clip. However, as instructors are used to the function of accountant it will non be easy for them to let go of and allow the pupils to command the acquisition as it is a great challenge for the instructor. However to be effectual these schemes need a great trade of pattern and instructors have to organize their ain ways that suit them and their pupils. Finally this method may make pupils who think, proctor and buttocks themselves and their equals and who are capable of working towards their end with the consciousness of their advancement.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

D2 Measurong Youngs modulus of copper Essays

D2 Measurong Youngs modulus of copper Essays D2 Measurong Youngs modulus of copper Paper D2 Measurong Youngs modulus of copper Paper In this experiment, The Youngs modulus of copper will be mesured . Apparatus copper wire 4m G-clamp polley on clamp -2*Wooden block 2*rule (half meter and meter rule) slotted mass with hanger 15 Â  0. 1 kg adhesive label -micrometer screw gauge -safety goggles -polystyrene board (Warning : Wear safety goggles when doing this experiment ) Theory When a spring is stretched or compressed by a force. The extension is directly proportional to the applied force. This relationship known as Hookes law. Force=ke. However,the law is used when the proportional limit is not exceeded. To further investigate how the material behaves when it is stressed,we define: The stress applied to the wire is defined as the force applied per unit cross-sectional area. Stress = force per unit area =F/A (where F is the force or tension in the wire, A is the cross-sectional area) When the wire being stretched,it is under strain. The strain is defined as the extension per unit length. Strain = extension per unit length = e/l (where e is the extension and l is the unstretched length of the wire) Withon the proportional limit,the ration stress/strain is a constant whose value depends on the material of the wire. It is known as the Young modulus of the material E = stress/strain = (F/A)/(e/l) = Fl/Ae From this law,a material with larger Youngs modulus means a greater stress is required to produce the same strain than another material with smaller Youngs modulus gives how stiff a material is. In this experiment, we will hang different loads (m) to one end of a copper wire of length l and diameter d. The extension (e) for each load is measured. From the slope of the straight part of the m-e graph, Youngs modulus of copper can be found. Since F=mg and A= cross-sectional area of the wire = ? (d/2)2 = ? d2/4, Youngs modulus of the copper wire is given by E = Fl/Ae = mgl/(? d2/4)e = m/e x 4gl/? d2 = slope of graph x 4gl/? d2 Procedure 1. To measure the diameter of the wire at two end and the center of the wire by using a micrometer screw gauge to take the mean value of the diameter. 2. The apparatus is seted on the bench as shown in Fig. D2. 1. 3. Fix an adhesive label on the copper wire as a marker 4. Measure the unstretched original length of the wire before addong slotted mass to the wire (from the wooden blocks to the slotted mass) 5. The copper was loaded in steps and the extension produced was recorded. Steps were continued until the wire broke Results 1st measurement 2nd measurement 3rd measurement . 2 1. 3 1. 4 0. 0042 0. 005 0. 007 0. 009 0. 015 0. 036 0. 087 0. 155 Before the load increase to 0. 7 kg. The extension is nearly proportional to the force . Also stress is nearly proprtional to strain. After the load is beyond 0. 7kg,extension is not proportional to force and stree is not proportional to strain. The plastic deformation occur. The wire does not return completely to its original length . The wire broke whn the load is increase to 1. 4 kg. This part of graph obeys Hookes law. Fig. 4 % strain = extension / original length x 100% = 0. 0042/ 3. 95x 100% = 0. 106% Fig. 4 shows the best straight line through the points of the straight part of the graph. Slope of load-extension graph = 189. 72 kgm-1 Youngs modulus of copper E = slope of graph x 4gl/? d2 =189. 72 x 4(10)(3. 95)/? (0. 000278)2 =123. 46109 Pa Error estimation Sraw lines of maximum and minimum slope through the points of the graph. Find the slope and take the large deviation from the slope of the fitted graph as the error Maximum slope = 208. 77 Minimum slope = 163. 15 Error in slope = i 26. 57 % error in slope =14.00 % Estimate the possible errors in l and d and express them as percentages Error in l = 0. 1cm/2 = i 0. 05cm % error in l =0. 0127% Error in d = i 0. 005mm %error in d = 0. 0180% Hence, estimate the % error in E. % error in E = % error in slope + % error in l + 2 i % error in d = 14. 00% + 0. 0127% + 2 i 0. 0180% = 14. 049% Error in E = i 1. 7345i 1012 Discussion From the graph of Fig. 4 . The wire is undergo a proportional limit before the load increase to 0. 7 kg. Its obeys Hookes law. When the load is not reach to a yield point. The wire can returns to its original length when the load is removed. In this graph . The slope of the graph of load against extension determines the Youngs modulus. When the load is beyond the yield point. The plastic deformation will occur. The wire does not return completely to its original length . It will contain a permanent extension. Then the load is added to the wire continuously. The extension of the wire is more signifiance.. The wire narrows uniformly. In our experiment,The maximum stress at the breaking point. Break is due to the wire narrows unevenly to form necks. There are some precautions for this experiment. When we read the value of the length of the wire. It is more accuracy as we observe the value vertically. Moreover,when the load is add on the wire. It is more suitable to add slowly. This can avoid the force added by our hand. Besides,students should wear safety goggles when doing this experiment. It can protect our eye is hited by the wire. Youngs modulus is more useful than force constant because the Youngs modulus depend on the force per unit cross sectional area. Also,the extension is per unit length. It is more accuracy than the force constant which is only depend on the relationship between the force and extension. From the book called NEW WAY PHYSICS. the youngs modulus of the copper is 124109 Pa. Also from answers. com/topic/young-s-modulus. the Youngs modulus is between110 to 130 x109 Pa. Compare with our result. It is 124109 Pa. The answer is very close to the reference answer. It is because we take all of the value very carefullyand seriously for decrease the error. Conclusion The Youngs modulus is depend on the materials. The Young modulus of copper which measure by our group is 124109 Pa.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Abduction

No one will argue that as a parent, the greatest fear is finding out that your child is missing. The same applies to the child who has been abducted. The subject of missing children is not one that parents or children like to think about, but it is a reality of everyday life. Even with the best parental care some children still go missing. Child abductions are not uncommon in the United States. According to the FBI’s National Crime Information Center, there were 876,213 missing person reports in the year 2000. Out of those entries, nearly 85 to 90% were juveniles. Everyday 2100 children are reported missing in the United States. The number of missing persons reported to the police has increased by 1% from 1999 to 2000. That may not seem like a lot, but since 1982, the total increase is 468%. Every 40 seconds a child becomes missing or has been abducted in the United States. Children and juveniles who are abducted suffer during and after their capture. These damages include the alteration to their appearance such as cut and dyed hair. The abducted child’s name is often changed, with young children sometimes never knowing their true identity. The child is stripped of his true identity. He loses out on the love of his left-behind family and his roots. The abducted child is often medically and physically neglected as abductors have the worry that the child may be discovered to be missing. Abducted children receive unstable schooling as moves for them are common and getting proper paperwork to schools to enroll the child can be difficult under a new name. Abducted children have unstable living conditions as they are on the run from the law, and often end up homeless or moving frequently. Abducted children are often told lies about the abduction and the left-behind parent. They can form a false hatred for the left-behind parents and family. So metimes they are even told the left-behind parents or family is dead, in ja... Free Essays on Abduction Free Essays on Abduction No one will argue that as a parent, the greatest fear is finding out that your child is missing. The same applies to the child who has been abducted. The subject of missing children is not one that parents or children like to think about, but it is a reality of everyday life. Even with the best parental care some children still go missing. Child abductions are not uncommon in the United States. According to the FBI’s National Crime Information Center, there were 876,213 missing person reports in the year 2000. Out of those entries, nearly 85 to 90% were juveniles. Everyday 2100 children are reported missing in the United States. The number of missing persons reported to the police has increased by 1% from 1999 to 2000. That may not seem like a lot, but since 1982, the total increase is 468%. Every 40 seconds a child becomes missing or has been abducted in the United States. Children and juveniles who are abducted suffer during and after their capture. These damages include the alteration to their appearance such as cut and dyed hair. The abducted child’s name is often changed, with young children sometimes never knowing their true identity. The child is stripped of his true identity. He loses out on the love of his left-behind family and his roots. The abducted child is often medically and physically neglected as abductors have the worry that the child may be discovered to be missing. Abducted children receive unstable schooling as moves for them are common and getting proper paperwork to schools to enroll the child can be difficult under a new name. Abducted children have unstable living conditions as they are on the run from the law, and often end up homeless or moving frequently. Abducted children are often told lies about the abduction and the left-behind parent. They can form a false hatred for the left-behind parents and family. S ometimes they are even told the left-behind parents or family is dead, in ja...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

newjackBelly of the beast essays

newjackBelly of the beast essays In The Belly Of The Beast by Jack Henry Abbott and Newjack by Ted Conover Jack Henry Abbott's book, In The Belly Of The Beast is as autobiographical account of the authors lifelong experiences in penal institutions while serving time for numerous petty crimes as a child to murder in later years. He offers a wide array of attacks on various American institutions in society while trying to defend his position as victim of societys pitfalls. The self-educated author encapsulates the reader by presenting stories, through letters, of the horrific reality of prison life. Although considered psychopathic, his rendition lends an enormous amount of insight and allows us to feel a need to reform a prison system that may not deserve the name of correctional facility. The book offers everything from tormenting accounts of his time in "the Hole" to foundations of political philosophies of Kant and Marx. In a time when crime literature was surging, it is somewhat difficult to determine the authors initial intent to engage his readers in somewhat of a public awareness notice. After all, his life of crime began while a teen and his adult rendition of a perfect knife stabbing does not lend acceptance to being seen as an American outlaw saint. Originally a protg of Norman Mailer, Abbotts letters were seen as being written by the elite of the prison population with an intellectual vision of a diseased society. He gives the reader an analysis how prison is designed to gut and corrupt the timid, and break or brutalized the weak. Abbott makes claim that his loss of constitutional rights in a society unjust led him to surrender to an unspoken prison constitution for the rest of his life. While Jack Henry Abbott can submit to being an authority on the reality of incarceration, we have a desire to review an opposition account on what it is like to be on the other side of the ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Nurse Practice Act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Nurse Practice Act - Essay Example This means all hospitals should have a staffing plan that provides adequate, appropriate and quality delivery of health care services and protects patient safety; and is consistent with the requirements of this title. The bill explains nurse-to-patient ratio in various settings. Like, in trauma emergency care unites, this equates to one nurse with one patient; in operating room units, it is one nurse to one patient along with an additional scrub assistant; in critical care units, it is 2 patients to one nurse; 3 patients to one nurse in emergency room units and so on. From the Nursing Practice Act perspective, this allocation should be regarded as highly critical for nurses because a nurse who leaves an inadequately staffed unit could be charged with client abandonment (White, 2000, 92). In addition, the bill also specifically describes certain restrictions and prohibitions to the staffing function. Hospitals are required to maintain and display uniform notice to evince registered nurse-to-patient ratios in each unit. In case of failure to do so, or found incoherent with reality, the hospital as well as nurses can be charged with responsible for dangers and/or damages. In case of inadequate staffing or absence of nurses, it could result in substandard care and be charged with legal complications. Staffing that does not comply with requirements in critical care unit and pediatric units could be at high risk of attracting physical damage to patients and child abuse, respectively, which may render dangerous legal consequences to the hospital as well as nurses. In spite of this bill, and its related consequences on the Nursing Practice Act, hospital nurse staffing still does not really seem to be adequate, looking at huge number of vacant positions in the nursing field. The bill requires the state board to assist hospitals in implementing this bill

Friday, October 18, 2019

Australian History Convict Transportation Essay

Australian History Convict Transportation - Essay Example For which the impact of the changes has brought the mortality rate of convicts on board to a lower rating. From the embarkation of convicts for their exile to a remote or distant land, several emotional responses are encountered - swearing, cursing, wrangling, and lamenting. Included in it, is the verdict that they will be going through while on board a transport. Their predicaments initially in the hulks during their actual voyages include such as: authorities who less care about their welfare, and the unsanitary conditions, resulting them to death before, during or immediately, after the voyage, where historians attribute the initially high mortality rates to a failure in organization.1 To ensure convicts' health and welfare, standard operating procedures are conveyed with a brief summary of regulations such that: The British Government has hitherto regarded the transportation of prisoners as the chief mode of providing labor in the colonies; punishment and utility have been connected so as to render convict labor alike beneficial to the colonists and conducive to the best interests of the parent state; all convicts sent out are to be newly clad, and ample rations of wholesome food are to be apportioned to them; health is preserved by cleanliness, which is strictly attended to, and the ship owners are bounded by the terms of their charter to supply each prisoner with at least half-a-gallon of water per day; and care is also taken that they are not subjected to any oppressive or capricious treatment.2 Attempts had been made to reduce the death rates in prison hulks, including the provision of adequate space, proper nutrition, personal cleanliness, hygienic living conditions, reasonable working conditions, regular medical care, the exclusion and isolation of those with contagious diseases, and also an opportunity for secular redemption. The result was impressive. Death rate in the hulks had been reduced. However, after a period of experimentation and learning, they were repeated on the convict ships. Though, initially, improvements were achieved in the hulks.3 The evidences according to records describe and picture convict voyages with much higher mortality rating than in the later phases. Deaths were caused more by diseases than by accidents and violence. Where, most deaths that were caused by diseases are attributed to acute infectious diseases rather than to chronic diseases. The main acute infectious diseases cited are dysentery in the Atlantic slave trade; typhus, cholera, and smallpox on European voyages to North America and Australia; cholera and meningitis on Indian voyages to Fiji; and dysentery on Pacific Islander voyages to Fiji and Queensland. The occurrences of epidemics on intercontinental voyages created differentiating opinions that caused some individuals to conduct researches comparing the early and the later phase of the convict era. During the early phase (before 1815), determining factors before the embarkation of convicts aboard comprehend the high mortality rates of convicts. The lack of immunity of the populations at the ports or regions of embarkation to a range of acute infectious diseases, and the ease with which these diseases spread in the often unsanitary conditions under which passengers were housed prior to embarkation. Medical examinations prior to embarkation were perfunctory. Infectious diseases were often carried on board by sick passengers where

The Son Also Rises Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Son Also Rises - Essay Example Paris, which had been his home previously, is no longer suitable for him. The city’s pace and vibrancy is something he cannot keep up with. The city also reminded him of his lover Brett, to whom he no longer can make love due to his physical impotency. Hence, he decides to go to the more laid back and picturesque town of Burguete. The slower pace of life here and the cordial nature of the town’s inhabitants enable him to start the process of recuperation. More importantly, this place enables Barnes to impose order on his life and make an independent living. He is able to live life on his own terms and also maintain dignity. But the story of Jake Barnes’ confrontation with his physical and emotional marring does not end there, for his discontent with the sedate and lonely existence in Burguete forces him to continue his search for inner peace. This peace proves elusive and not until the end of the story does Jake Barnes able to somehow reconcile with his reality. It is only when he moves to San Sebastian, does Barnes achieve some sort of stability and harmony, albeit with an element of resignation too. Hence, Jake Barnes typifies the Hemingway Hero in The Sun Also Rises. The other important character in the novel is that of the popular Bull fighter Pedro Romero, whom Jake admires very much. In fact, Jake takes comfort and pride from the successes of Romero. Hemingway is implying that Jake Barnes compensates for his inadequacies through the accomplishments of Pedro Romero. The qualities that define Jake Barnes also differ sharply from the attributes of a typical Hemingway Code Hero. As opposed to a Hemingway Hero, the Code Hero, though dealt harshly by the circumstances of life, does not submit himself to its constraints. To the contrary, he refuses to be defeated by life and remains tough and optimistic. Romero is also shown to display humility and dedication to his craft of Bull